Enhancing Self Mindfulness & Self Love: The Art of Self Care
By Christopher Glenn
Fall 2024

We all have those long days where the day seems to never end. Either because you are constantly busy with a huge to-do list, or with a mind that just won’t stop putting unnecessary thoughts inside your head. While we are constantly experiencing these long days due to these effects of life, self care seems to not be a part of our lives as much as they should be. In my life, as a Senior at North Central College, I have experienced long days where the last thing I would even think about was taking care of my mental health and actually loving myself more. If you’re struggling with self care, no need to worry at all. It’s never too late to start prioritizing self care! Self care, defined by Mallory Jones, LPC, Counselor for Mental Health and Student Belonging - Athletic Liaison at North Central College, is the action of taking care of ourselves in order to show up as our best versions of all areas of life. It is also good to note that practicing self care can look different for everybody, including you! In the journal written by Prof Martin Prince, a Researcher from Global Mental Health, notes that mental health awareness needs to be integrated into all aspects of health and social policy, health-system planning, and delivery of primary and secondary general health care. Today, we will get into the important facts and what you need to know about self care so that you can start prioritizing it and bettering your mental health!
Different forms of self care
There is more to understanding the art of self care than just going to sleep or taking a bath. In today’s world, there are moments where we are constantly moving or constantly thinking. It is very important to give time to ourselves to recharge and to take care of ourselves in every way
possible. Yes, it can depend on what it is or whatever you are currently going through, and yes, it is not an easy and quick process, but self care can truly become a beneficial piece of your everyday life. The truest form of self care is the ability to care for every aspect of our mental health, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Mental self care
Mental health has a very huge following over the past few years, especially this year due to its social media presence and the audience it has around the topic. Although this topic is very huge, most people still don’t know the true definition of mental health. Mental health is defined as a person’s condition regardless of their psychological well being. Mental self care, on the other hand, is to do whatever in your power to take care of your emotional wellbeing. Being able to have great mental health is a blessing, especially as a college student in today’s world. In college, we really don’t have a lot of time to improve our mental health by taking care of ourselves mentally. Whether you currently are in athletics, or working at an on campus or off campus job, or if you have a huge workload from all of your classes, it can be difficult to prioritize self care mentally. Although difficult, it is very important to prioritize self care because it can save you from developing mental illnesses and trouble in the near future. Researchers from the University of Maryland Baltimore found that 23% of adults experienced a mental illness in the past year. Equivalent to nearly 60 million Americans. To increase mental health, most people start doing meditation practices to impact mindfulness and mental health. Researchers from Oxford Academic, state that, it is not surprising that meditation practice has been shown to enhance executive control. The brain is the most important part of the body, so making sure your mental state is being cared for during the time where you need to prioritize self love is important. The impact that taking care of yourself mentally will have on your mental well being will positively affect your life, so prioritizing and knowing about your mental health is very vital.
Forms of Mental Self Care
Although college students don’t have tubs to bathe in, there are still some aspects of bathing that we can take and implement when we shower. Showering has shown that it is just as effective to enhance your mental health as much as bathing. Researchers from Wiley Online Library, states that, Self-assessment of health status before and after intervention every day showed health improvement after both bathing and showering interventions. This result suggests that either intervention improves physical and mental condition. One great thing about bathing or showering is that it gives you the ability to relax and wind down as much as sleep. You also have the ability to take a shower at whatever temperature that makes you feel the most relaxed, and also play some good soothing music or noises that keep you calm.
Going for a Walk
Going for a walk, whether it’s through downtown, your college town, or to the store, walking has very beneficial effects on your mind. A study from The ScienceDirect states that, we have shown that whilst these benefits are advantageous in adults with good and poor mental health, the restorative experience from walking in rural settings is potentially greater in adults with poor mental health. The ability to go outside for a walk gives you a sense of freedom and clarity. It also enhances your mind to think bigger, as far as what your purpose is in life.
Being able to have great mental health is a blessing, especially as a college student in today’s world . . . Although difficult, it is very important to prioritize self care because it can save you from developing mental illnesses and trouble in the near future.
Physical Self Care
Alongside mental health, physical health has grown in popularity too amongst social media. Physical self care is defined as activities that improve and maintain the health and wellness of your body. Now when people hear physical self care, they can view it as going to the gym every day and pumping iron until you can’t feel your body anymore, when in reality, that’s not the case at all! True physical self care can be anything you do to take care of your body, which positively affects your well being. In the interview I had with a college student on campus, I got the opportunity to experience how he has practiced physical self care and how prioritizing his health has been very beneficial physically. Terrance Moncrief, Senior at North Central College, was very pleased to talk about physical self care. Terrance is also on the Men's Basketball Team, so he has experienced a lot of physical health, but still enjoys caring for his body. Taking care of his body and well being has been, in his words, the best investment he has ever made for himself. He feels this way because he is allowed to relieve stress in the best way known to him without causing physical or mental harm. Researchers from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, found exercise is conducive to enhancing positive emotion such as vigor, pleasure, and energy as well as decreasing anxiety, tension, tiredness and anger. Another interesting piece in this article is, exercise contributes to enhancing mental health and buffering negative impact of stress . He has also found very fun and unique ways to take care of himself physically. Whether he goes to the trainer and gets a quick ice bath or massage, or working out after a basketball practice, he enjoys taking care of his body.
Forms of Physical Self Care
Working Out
Working out, in a general sense, is the best way to practice physical self care. In today’s world, most people aren’t happy with themselves due to social media or because of their own mental image of themselves. Alongside that, people don’t workout because of the amount of stress and workload they may be under currently. Researchers from the Scientific Research, conclude that, People who engage in physical exercise are likely to have fewer stress symptoms and more psychological well-being than those who do not. To release stress and enhance your physical well being, start working out. It doesn’t have to be at a gym either.
Spending Time in Nature
Taking time to be with nature is one of those activities that can enhance all of these types of self care. Nature can be seen as relaxing and beautiful to the mind, but it can also be a great place to explore in, either by walking, bicycling, hiking, running, etc. Researchers from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, note that, By combining the health benefits of physical activity and time spent in nature, walking can be viewed as a readily available form of therapy. Utilizing nature as a getaway or a pathway to enhancing your life can make your life better if consistently being utilized. The benefits of nature are so amazing to your mind and to your physical well being.
Spiritual Self Care
Quite honestly, I believe that spiritually caring for yourself is very unappreciated or not thought about as much as the other self care topics. It can fit into mental health, but spiritually caring for yourself is still different. Spiritual self care is defined as establishing a connection with one’s higher or real self. According to The Mind Fool, the ability to enhance yourself in a spiritual way can enhance your emotional regulation, reduce stress and anxiety, and help you find your meaning or purpose in life. As a college student, the ability to gain consciousness of your spirituality will help you get the best version of yourself to show up. Whether it's to class, to practice, to your job, etc! Spiritual self care, in my opinion, is the most fun and beautiful way to take care of yourself. The ability to explore your inner self and figure out ways to take care of your inner self is a great way to enhance your spiritual self.
Forms of Spiritual Self Care
Yoga is a very different way to increase your spiritual wellness. Yoga is a very relaxing art that involves you to be or become one with yourself. Using your mind to focus on relaxation and comfort. A study conducted in 2024 by Sage Journals notes that Yoga aims to awaken and raise this energy up through the chakras, which are energy centers in the body, to achieve higher states of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. Yoga intends to enhance your spirituality, whether if it's practiced for 20 minutes or an hour, it’s a very helpful technique.
Sleep Hygiene
Sleep is one of the rarest things us college students get, but finding the right sleep schedule, and practicing good sleeping habits, can be an effective way to change the way we feel, think, and act after sleep has succeeded. Researchers from the Journal of Asian Studies, found that, Good sleep hygiene is recommended by actions such as setting up a regular sleep pattern, being cautious of using naps, avoiding physical or mental activity too soon before night, minimizing stress, limiting exposure to light in the hours before sleep, and getting out of bed if sleep does not come. Practicing good sleeping habits can cause us to become one with ourselves and help us start to appreciate ourselves and live happily.
How to Add Self Care to Your Schedule
For college students, our schedules are really busy, so it can definitely seem to be hard for us to find time to set aside to love ourselves a bit more. Also, the idea of self care can seem like it has to take all day or a few hours to take care of ourselves. In reality though, self care can be done at whatever time for however long you need it! In our college life, we have break periods in between classes for about an hour, and that's the time where I prioritize self care. An hour maybe enough for me, but in all actuality, you may need 10 minutes or a few hours to take care of yourself. It’s all based on whatever you're currently going through and how much time you need to yourself. If you are having trouble finding the time to prioritize self care though, that’s okay! Jennifer Goodbrich, a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, recommends college students to, “ Give yourself small homework assignments or to-do lists to give yourself the proper care. Whether it’s for 10 minutes a day, or 3 hours a day, just give yourself some self love. I have seen large improvements from my clients who prioritize this method of action.” Taking small steps to any goal in life will eventually lead you to achieving that goal in mind. Doing the little things will become very beneficial for you and your well being, regardless of the situation. Whenever you are ready to take action and give yourself love and care, make sure to start out in small ways and grow big if you would like!
Timetable for Results
Overall, it’s a necessity to look after ourselves and care for ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually when we need it most. It is important to note that everyone is different, and everyone’s way may not work for you. Results are desired by humans right away, whether it’s good or bad. As far as it goes for the effects after self care, there honestly isn’t a time table where you will become 100% happy or feeling great again. Although this isn’t the greatest news, giving yourself love and care, regardless of the desired results, will enhance your life for the better in ways you couldn’t even imagine. If these tips or information doesn’t help you at all, or your issues are more severe than assumed, seek professional help from a professional therapist, primary care physician, or a psychologist.
Christopher Glenn, a Senior from North Central College, is a Marketing major, minoring in Entrepreneurship. Christopher is also a former athlete for the North Central Men’s Basketball Team. Christopher currently holds a job from an internship over the summer by Sherwin-Williams to become a Store Sales Representative for a number of Lowe’s locations across the United States. Christopher is also currently a business owner of two very underrated fashion brands that will hopefully scale to six figures soon. In his free time, he loves to play basketball with friends, spend time with his friends and family, and also design clothes.