Beyond the Barbell: Embracing Holistic Health and Wellness
By Miles Trahey
Spring 2024

Being healthy is interpreted differently by everyone. What does it truly mean to be healthy by Genesis Medical Associates says “Skinny doesn’t necessarily mean you’re healthy and in the same breath, a high body mass index (BMI) doesn’t necessarily correlate to an unhealthy individual. There are a lot of factors that go into the determination of whether you are truly living a healthy life. Whether it’s the food you consume, the amount of physical activity in your routine or the social activities you engage in, it all ties together.” Sure, you can go to the gym and say you work out to be healthy, but in some cases, people are busy with everyday life. People may have either a busy work schedule, school, or even both. Sometimes individuals have family they have to take care of, and other times they may have an un-intentional event like a car breaking down or something in their house needing repair. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Many factors combine together to affect the health of individuals and communities. Whether people are healthy or not, is determined by their circumstances and environment. To a large extent, factors such as where we live, the state of our environment, genetics, our income and education level, and our relationships with friends and family all have considerable impacts on health, whereas the more commonly considered factors such as access and use of health care services often have less of an impact.” For example, I live in a neighborhood that has a gym connected to my apartment complex, so this allows me to have easy access to a gym. However, I can’t say the same for others. As quoted above, the state of environment has a big role of being healthy, and for those across the country who can’t even get a meal a day, they would consider getting a full can of rice to feed their family healthily despite not having access to a gym. Time is of the essence, so finding time to go to the gym can be hard for most people. Some people find it easier to workout in their home while watching T.V. or even something like a P90X podcast. Other people who don’t have time to work out, even in the comfort of their home, can make sure they eat right on a day-to-day basis to maintain their health. What we put into our bodies affects how we operate throughout the day, so eating a well-balanced meal three times a day contributes to your health even if you cannot make it in the gym or find time to workout at home. Being healthy involves a lot of discipline in your life to choose what to do, what to eat, and more. Keep Active & Eat Healthy to Improve Well Being & Feel Great by Anne E. Sumner says “Eating foods that are good for you and staying physically active may help you reach and maintain and improve how you feel. You also may find that moving more and eating better could help you keep up with the demands of your busy life and be there for the people who depend on you.” Consider eating good foods and moving regularly to improve your physical and mental health. These practices might make you feel better both physically and emotionally. Furthermore, by incorporating healthy eating habits and being physically active, you may discover that you have more energy and stamina to meet the demands of your hectic lifestyle and it can allow you to be more present while accomplishing your daily responsibilities. This could include duties at work, at home, at school, or in other areas of your life. In conclusion, there is more than just working out to be healthy. Maintaining a healthy diet and participating in activities for your mental health should be just as important.
Ways to Foster Personal Growth: Developing Positive Movements and Habits
There are many ways you can create movements and healthy habits in your life without going to the gym. Meditation to Boost Health and Well-Being written by The American Heart Association, says “Practicing mindfulness and meditation may help you manage stress and high blood pressure, sleep better, feel more balanced and connected and even lower your risk of heart disease. Meditation and mindfulness are practices often using breathing, quiet contemplation, or sustained focus on something, such as an image, phrase or sound that help you let go of stress and feel more calm and peaceful”. There are a lot of monks and Buddhist gurus that I used to watch online when I was younger who helped me figure out a good breathing technique to lower any stress I was experiencing. I was a wrestler, but because I was young, my parents did not want me to work out in the gym because they thought that lifting heavy weights would stunt my growth. Aside from wrestling practice, learning how to breathe properly and ease my mind in high intensity situations has helped me manage my stress. I was also taught discipline from wrestling by learning what constitutes a balanced meal and what types of foods are good before having to exert a lot of energy prior my wrestling matches. Personally, I think meditation is a really good way to stay healthy because it also helps you focus. Not only that, but also, the brain is something we use every day without even thinking about it! Pun intended. People train their muscles to grow in the gym but forget to train their brain. Having a peaceful mind and attaining enlightenment can help keep you healthy, and meditation is a way to train your mind and achieve such peace. If meditation isn’t for you, then Get Active written by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services says, “Regular physical activity is good for everyone's health! Physical activity is anything that gets your body moving… Even five minutes of physical activity has real health benefits!” As has been said and is generally known, moving your body is good for you. Most people assume this must be a high intensity or heavy lifting physical activity, however, that is not the case. There are other types of physical activities, that are not as straining on the body, but are just as healthy and beneficial for you. For example, “Aerobic activities make you breathe harder and get your heart beating faster. Walking fast is an example of moderate-intensity aerobic activity. Jogging or running is an example of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity. Muscle-strengthening activities make your muscles stronger. Examples include using resistance bands and doing body weight exercises (like push-ups or sit-ups).” Of course, you could head to the gym and lift heavy weights in a high intensity interval workout, but there are always other ways to be healthy by implementing different and better habits in your daily life. Doing body weight exercises, yoga, or even simply walking are easy ways to boost your health and develop positive movements without dreading the activity. Other ways to develop healthy habits in your life, according to The American Heart Association in Stress Less with Healthy Habits, are by hanging with friends and having a good laugh. Such activities can also help defeat stress. In conclusion, having a social life outside of your typical physical activities can bring balance to your lifestyle and foster personal growth.
Of course, you could head to the gym and lift heavy weights in a high intensity interval workout, but there are always other ways to be healthy by implementing different and better habits in your daily life.
Commit to Overcoming the Stigma Surrounding Lifting
As a man it is hard to not see posts on various social media platforms about getting in shape. Many of them are explaining different ways for how to bulk up or how to cut weight properly. Almost all the videos or posts you see about men getting healthy are emphasizing being in the gym. Unfortunately, as a child, I was told to hold my feelings in and to not cry when I am upset. I do not believe I am the only one who has heard this, and I think this type of message being told to young boys is part of the reason so many men grow up and want to be a huge man in the gym. We grew up with the message that being a “macho man” is the true way to being a “real man.” However, being healthy doesn’t mean you have to look like the incredible hulk or Thor. To get rid of the stigma around lifting heavy weights, we have to first realize that as men we can be healthy by eating a balanced diet, protecting our mental health, and fostering our friendships and relationships. Eat Healthy by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services says, “Eating healthy means following a healthy eating pattern that includes a variety of nutritious foods and drinks.” It also means getting the number of calories that is right for you and your goals (not eating too much or too little). Getting the right calories for yourself is very important. You can watch every “how-to” bulk video there is out there, but if none of them are hitting the amount of calories for your body, then it was a wasted try since everyone’s body is different, and different people need different things that will work for them, especially food intake. Consider myself for an example. I need to consume at least 5,000 calories if I want to gain weight because I have a very fast metabolism. I tried watching TikTok videos and seeing what to eat in order to gain weight, but still nothing was happening to my body, even after three weeks. I have not gained nor lost weight from trying a specific recipe someone else posted that said it made them gain weight. This made me realize that not everything we see online, especially in regards to men’s weight and physical activity habits, is helpful. That is why I am so interested in taking the stigma aways from lifting. It is a good physical activity that can be healthy, but the way society views it for men is actually more harmful than helpful. Society wants guys to look like action figures while females look like Barbie dolls, which is not realistic at all. We are all human and trying to make the best of our lives, so living happy and healthy is always going to be different from what the next person thinks or believes. If you believe you are healthy because you make it to the gym every day, compared to the person who only goes one day a week, then that is on you because you choose to do that to make yourself happy. It is important to remember that this other guy is also probably happy he at least made it once this week. We all live in this world and have to find our path. Some people, being in the gym is all they care about, while others have different priorities and may not make it as often. Neither frequency is right or wrong. No one is better than the other. If it fits in your schedule and makes you happy, then that is all that matters. Fitting just some physical activity into your busy schedule is enough.
Harmony With Health
Being in harmony with your own health has a lot of reasoning behind it. To be happy with your health and where you are as a person will take you further in life than not believing in yourself and being unhappy. Overall Health and Well-Being Measures by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says, “Overall well-being is expressed as overall life satisfaction. Well-being reflects the cumulative contributions of health and non-health factors”. So, at the end of the day it is really your call if you are happy and healthy or unhappy and unhealthy. You have full control over how you choose to live your life and what you’re willing to make time for to improve your health. It is your body and your life, so if something makes you happy and is a healthy habit, then keep doing it. If it does not make you happy and is affecting your healthy negatively, then look deep inside and ask what you can do differently or change to make it better for yourself. Healthy habits should not feel like such a hassle. You can shift your mindset to enjoy healthy habits, like finding different workout routines or recipes so that you want to go to the gym or eat differently. What You Can Do to Maintain Your Health by the American Academy of Family Physicians says “you should make time for whole body health. Visit your doctors for regular checkups. This includes your primary doctor as well as your dentist and eye doctor. Let your health benefits and preventive care services work for you… Preventive care can detect disease or prevent illness before they start.” These are just some of the things you should consider while asking yourself about your health, and probably some of the bare minimum things you should be doing in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It can be difficult to prioritize, but you must remind yourself you are doing things now for your future self. It can also go as deep as do I smoke or drink too much? Are you protecting your skin when you go out? Are you trying to find time to exercise, eating differently, or sleeping enough? In order to be healthy, you must do some self-reflecting on what you do that was good and what you do not do or wish you could have done differently.
Seed of Wellness
“Being fit is a way of saying a person not only eats-well, gets a lot of physical activity (exercise), and has a healthy weight. If you are fit, your body works well, feels good, and looks healthy. When you are fit, you can do all the things you want to do, like run and play with your family and friends… but know[ing] some days (like your birthday or a holiday) are special and might call for cake and ice cream.” Be A Fit Kid by Mary L Gavin said it the best. There is always going to be a cheat day where you want to splurge and eat all the junk food you have been cutting out to get healthier, and that is totally fine and normal. She also addresses that the younger you start this journey, the easier it is to maintain as an adult. Starting something new is always going to be difficult, but it doesn’t always have to be that way. It can and should get easier once you maintain these habits in your routine. Tips For Staying Healthy by University of California San Francisco said “A healthy lifestyle can help you thrive throughout your life. Making healthy choices isn't always easy, however. It can be hard to find the time and energy to exercise regularly or prepare healthy meals. However, your efforts will pay off in many ways, and for the rest of your life”. So, starting when you are young can get you ready for when you are older. For example, having your parents put you in a sport as a child can get you ready for when you are older to be in the habit of having a routine that fits time in for physical activity or brain stimulating activities that are for leisure, and for your mental health. I would recommend asking a parent or guardian if you can get involved with a sport or even an activity like learning how to play an instrument. Having something on the side, aside from school or work, while you are young can teach a lot of self-discipline that will be needed later in life. From being able to be conscious of what you eat because you do not want to be full or starving during practice to figuring out what snacks are good to eat throughout the day, or having enough brain power to read and learn musical notes, your mental and physical health should be prioritized and fostered. There are many things in life that can take a toll on our happiness and well-being, which in turn negatively affects our health. However, if we strive to teach our young ones to get a hold onto their health early on, they will not have to struggle with learning something new and how to plan it into their lives. That way, we can help set the future generations up for success instead of failure. With being taught discipline and determination as a kid, we can hope to see great new things in the future where going to the gym and lifting heavy weights is not the unhealthy normal disguised as the only way to be healthy and fit.
Miles Trahey is a student at North Central who took a year off of school to focus on his personal well-being, but has returned and is currently a Junior. He used to be on the wrestling team, but has chosen to prioritize his studies. He is in the Business School as a Marketing Major. He already has two jobs as the Manager of both Pop’s Italian Beef and Brown’s Chicken. Working his way up into the corporate world would be ideal for Miles, but he is also passionate about music and being healthy. All his life as a young kid even into his college career, he was a wrestler who struggled with gaining weight. He was in the lightest weight class, so could not use cutting weight as an advantage like some of his peers did. That is part of the reason why he would like to focus on his Marketing degree and become something greater professionally, whether that means climbing the ladder into corporate, becoming a talent booker or a festival promoter to continue his passion with music while also staying healthy, because even dancing to your favorite music is considered healthy.