How to Start Running as a College Student: Tips and Benefits
By Miles Kimball
Spring 2024

Running is one of the healthiest exercises you can do. It provides you with a great mental and physical challenge. This challenge only adds to the feelings of accomplishment after every run. I have been running now for about five years now and try to run two to three times a week. Running for me started as a way to train myself for soccer, but quickly became a regular hobby. It feels great to go out and push yourself mentally and physically on every run. During this article, I will be informing you of everything you need to know to start running.
Why Should I Start Running?
This may be one of the first questions you ask yourself when thinking of starting running. There are many benefits to running which are not only physical but also mental. To start with some of the physical benefits, you can have an increase in bone strength, muscle strength, cardiovascular endurance, and lung capacity. According to Running and Jogging - Health Benefits, regular running can lower your risk for cardiovascular diseases and lower the risk of stroke. As you run, you will notice that your heart will start beating faster and you will start breathing more heavily. This is a good thing, and it shows you that your body is working. Your heart and lungs are both muscles and they need to be exercised as well. Running is the perfect exercise to get these muscles working.
In addition to your heart and lungs becoming stronger, your legs and core will become stronger as well. Running doesn’t just help you build muscle; it can help you burn calories and fats as well which can help you have your desired body and weight. After interviewing a friend of mine in college, Brandon Harmsen, I learned that Brandon found an interest in running after he finished playing soccer. He says that he started running because he wanted to keep himself in shape and keep looking like his best version of himself. Many other people think this way and use it as motivation to go running.
A study done by Harvard University about college stress finds that students who experience stressful events are more likely to experience mental health issues. In this study they found that 1 in 5 students have thought about suicide in the past year. This may seem extreme to some people, but it is a real issue and should be taken seriously. Many college students have experienced the extreme stress and anxiety that college can have on you. Often times college students have to balance many things at once. From course work to jobs to extracurricular activities to just regular relaxing time. These all place a huge stress on students and many students don’t have a way to deal with this stress. Running is a great option to help you release your stress and anxieties. According to the article Mental Health Benefits of Running written by WebMD, running outside can help relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety by lowering your feelings of loneliness and isolation. After you finish your run, chemicals are released in your body that help you feel more relaxed and help calm your body and mind. These chemicals give runners almost a “high” feeling. Studies have shown that this period after your run gives you increased levels of concentration and attention span. In the article, The Truth Behind 'Runners High' and Other Mental Benefits of Running written by Johns Hopkins Medicine, the author explains that running can help increase your memory and focus. This can be a great strategy for students who are looking for the perfect time to do homework. In my own experience, I have noticed that after a run, there is usually a 30-minute period where I can focus on my homework well. This period helps me limit my distractions and work hard on my work for the full time. Moreover, the article written by Johns Hopkins Medicine also talks about how running improves the quality of your sleep. The chemicals released in your body that help you feel more relaxed help also when it’s time to sleep. Your mind and body feel more accomplished and deserving of a good night’s rest to help you recover.
What do I Need to Start Running?
One of the great things about running is that it doesn’t cost a lot to get started. However, there are a few things that you will need. First and most important is the shoes. You will need comfortable and lightweight shoes. The good thing is that there are many options out there for different types of feet. In addition to this, there are many different brands that make running shoes. Some of these brands are exclusively running brands and others are more just athletics in general. The prices also have a wide range from $50 to upwards of $300. The price of the shoe usually reflects the quality of the shoe. The article How to Start Running for Beginners written by Shape, recommends buying a quality pair of running shoes. While it may be more expensive, high quality running shoes are a good investment for you as they will last longer, and your feet will comfortable and healthy. If the shoes you are wearing are not comfortable then you will not have a fun time running. What Running Shoes Should I Buy? is an in-depth article written by Runners World explaining everything you need to know when buying running shoes. One of the most helpful things they recommend is going to a running specific store and having them measure your feet for you. Then they will be able to recommend the best shoes for you.
After you get your shoes, you will need athletic clothing to wear. There are special types of clothing made for athletic activities. This clothing is usually lighter weight, more stretchy, and helps absorb sweat better. Like with your shoes, there are many options of clothing to wear with ranging prices. The amount of clothing you will need will vary depending on the temperature of where you live. If it is usually colder outside you will need to wear more layers while running and if it is hotter, you will wear less clothing in order to remain comfortable. While it is not necessary, it is nice to have a running watch or Apple Watch in order for you to track your distance and heart rate and times. These running watches also let you listen to music more easily while you run so you don’t have to have your phone with you.
Running for me started as a way to train myself for soccer, but quickly became a regular hobby. It feels great to go out and push yourself mentally and physically on every run.
How Do I Start Running?
One of the biggest challenges with running is just getting started. Many people can find it hard to motivate themselves to get up and go running. One of the most important things when beginning running is goal setting. Ask yourself, “Why do I want to run?” Or “What am I going to accomplish by running?” These answers can vary from person to person. Some people might want to run to lose weight or manage stress. Lukas Gallo, an experienced marathon runner, told me in an interview that his goals are one of the most important things to him when it comes to running. He thinks about his upcoming marathons to motivate him to go out and run every day and do his best. Whatever your reason is, you will be able to use your goals to motivate yourself to go out and run. Make sure that your goal is reasonable and achievable. If your goal is almost impossible for you to achieve you will lose motivation. If your goal is achievable, you can see yourself growing and getting closer to your goal and this will keep you motivated.
After you have found a goal for yourself you can get outside and start running. According to the article How to Start Running for Beginners, you should start by running/walking for 30 minutes three times a week. This is a good starting point for beginners because 30 minutes gives you enough time to get your heart rate up and get a good amount of exercise in. Thirty minutes is also not too much time to where people feel like it’s taking too much time out of their day. An article written by The New York Times called Even Short Runs Have Major Health Benefits is all about how the distance of your runs don’t matter as much as the time of them. It is better for you to have a shorter distance run, especially when first starting, than to go for a super long run. The important thing is that you are working your muscles and body. When starting out running, you will notice yourself getting tired easily. This is perfectly fine and normal. Your body needs to adjust to the regular exercise you are doing now. It is alright to take breaks during your runs and walk for a little while until you are ready to run again.
Most importantly, it is very important that you stretch before your run and after your run. You need to warm up your muscles before you use them, and you need to cool them down afterwards. According to Runners Tribe in their article 6 Tips to Help You Start Running on Campus, if you stretch before and after your run, you will reduce the risk of injury and lower your soreness. It is pretty much a given that after you run, you will be sore. Especially if you are new to running or go for a more intense run. The perfect way to reduce this soreness is to stretch after you run or maybe use a foam roller to help loosen your muscles. Being sore is a good thing and it shows you that your hard work has been paying off. Being sore means that your muscles are being worked and they are getting stronger. The more often you run, the more your body will become adjusted to it, and you will feel less sore after every run.
What Do I Need To Eat In Order To Be Successful In Running?
Nutrition is something that isn’t always thought of when you first start running. However, nutrition is very important for your body for you to stay energized and reduce the risk of injury. The article What to Eat Before Running written by Healthline recommends that you eat a meal 3-4 hours before your run. They recommend eating things like eggs, pasta with chicken, a baked potato, or a bagel with lunch meat. It is important for you to eat carbs before your run especially if you are going to be running a long distance. If you are getting closer to the time when you are going to run and you find yourself hungry still it can be nice to have a little pre-run snack. This is often just a very light snack as you don’t want to eat too much right before you run. Something like a banana or a granola bar will do just fine. If you eat too much right before you run, you may notice that you feel more weighed down or your stomach will become upset.
Throughout all of this, you will want to make sure that you are drinking a lot of water. This is especially important if it is hot outside, and you will be sweating a lot. If you are dehydrated and try to run, you can feel lightheaded or even pass out. You will also get muscle cramps a lot easier if you are not drinking enough water. After your run it is important for you to rest and rehydrate. You will probably end up sweating during your run and you need to replenish the fluids you lost. A great way to do this is with sports drinks like Gatorade. Sports drinks are often high in electrolytes which are important to keep you hydrated properly. In an article written by REI called Hydration for Running: A Beginners Guide, they put great stress on the fact that you need to be hydrated before you run, during your run, and after your run. They also bring up the fact that you don’t want to overhydrate yourself either. Overhydration can be mistaken as dehydration because they have similar symptoms. You also want to eat after your run. You will want to eat foods high in protein in order to help you build muscles. Daniel Neilsen, a personal trainer, informed me in an interview that many people don’t realize just how important getting the right nutrition is when you are running. He claims that nutrition is often overlooked when people are just starting out with running. People, especially college students, need to make sure they are eating the right foods in order to have their body healthy and reduce the risk of injury.
Now that you know everything you need in order to start running, there is only one thing left to do. Go out and run! Some people may be nervous to start running by themselves. This is nothing to be ashamed of. A good friend of mine, Natalie D’Andrea, who works at Shred415 Naperville (a fitness club), told me that many people come into the fitness center with a friend or two and go onto the treadmills together. Running with a friend is a great way to get started and can also act as motivation for both people. Whether you are by yourself or with a friend, you can now go out and learn firsthand the joys of running.
Miles Kimball is a junior attending North Central College. He is a Marketing Major and spent 2 years on the college soccer team. He has been running now for 5 years and runs at least once a week. Most of his running for the first 3 years was training to play soccer, however he found a new enjoyment for running after he finished playing soccer. He now runs to keep himself in shape and help relieve stress. He hopes to spread his knowledge of running to new people and help people find a way to deal with their own stress in their lives.