Dressing for Success: A Guide for College Students Navigating their Personal Style, While Staying Organized and Confident!
By Sophie Scrima
Fall 2024

For many college students, like myself, our daily routines involve a mix of classes, extracurricular activities, and personal responsibilities, which all require focus and time management. One aspect of this daily routine that is often overlooked is selecting an outfit. This process might seem minor to those whose interests don't normally include fashion. Still, the way students approach their style and stay organized with their outfit choices can have a large impact on productivity, confidence, and overall well-being. Personal style helps individuals express their identity, become unapologetically themselves, and boost their self-esteem. Self-confidence is defined by the University of South Florida’s Department of Student Success as “an attitude about your skills or abilities." Building our self-confidence is a major stepping stone for us to feel confident in the future in professional settings. Although some of us can agree that our personal styles include sweatsuits and sneakers, or sometimes even pajamas, our daily fashion choices can dictate how productive we are throughout the day. This post will outline how we can use fashion to create organizational skills that will directly help us with time management skills in the future! As a full-time, college student who participates in extracurricular activities, such as a part-time job, I must prioritize comfort for a long day of classes followed by an 8-hour shift! Many students aren't extremely interested in fashion, however, every student wears clothing, so therefore it is important to find what works for you and what you feel the best in!
Fashion and our Futures?
To many of us when we think of “Fashion” we think of runways, Vogue, and brands such as Prada, and Louis Vuitton. However, it is much simpler than that. According to Merriam-Webster, fashion is defined as “any way of dressing, behaving, writing, or performing that is favored at any one time or place”. As a student tapping into your personal style is essential for success. The act of dressing ourselves every morning in clothing that represents who we are can significantly influence our self-esteem, time management skills, and overall college experience. However, for many students, spending time in the morning picking out the perfect outfit is a luxury that they don’t have. Spending time to plan out outfits for long days of studying, class, and extracurricular activities will set you up for success daily and in the future. It is no secret that the way you present yourself affects how others view you. The way you dress directly correlates to that theory, according to The University of Texas at Austin in an article called “Why You Should Be Dressing for Success”, “Your clothes are more than just frivolous purchases; they are a reflection of who you are and who you want to be buying quality clothes that show off your personality is equivalent to investing in yourself.” Starting healthy habits such as incorporating organization and time management in something as simple as daily fashion, can create more healthy habits of time management, promptness, organization, and planning for our future careers.
The Role of Organization in Reducing Decision Fatigue
Organization is directly responsible for students’ success, Influencing them in the right direction for academic achievement and their mental well-being. A reoccurring issue that students are faced with constantly is decision fatigue which comes with when to complete homework, how to balance academics with extracurriculars, and a social life. Decision fatigue is described by Grant A. Pignatiello, Richard J Martin, and Ronald L Hickman Jr from the National Library of Medicine, as “The impaired ability to make decisions and control behavior as a consequence of repeated acts of decision making.” The analysis focuses on how American adults make over 35,000 decisions a day, and how decision-making can cause negative emotions when overdone. With this analysis in mind keeping an organized schedule and planning, makes our lives easier to manage and minimizes mental clutter that often leads to extra stress and procrastination. Students who are dealing with decision fatigue can take multiple steps to make their lives less stressful and to focus more on academics and their futures by creating an organized routine for themselves. These steps can start with a decision as small as picking out an outfit in the morning. This step may seem small but surprisingly it can be overlooked when we have such busy schedules.
A Simple Routine
With our morning routines come various activities such as brushing our teeth, taking a shower, picking out an outfit, cleaning our rooms, and eating breakfast. This routine looks different for everyone but if you don’t have a routine currently, your mornings probably feel chaotic and stressful. The Cambridge Dictionary defines Routines as “a usual or fixed way of doing things.” This repetition is important for us because we as humans need some sort of structure in our lives. In an interview with Dr. Vanhorn, A Psych professor at North Central College, He states that “Students are busy as ever and have many commitments competing for their time (e.g.-, academics, work, family, athletics, and friends). Setting a schedule helps students think about and prioritize their commitments”. Not only will it help with their daily lives, but it will also help with building other skills such as time management. Dr. Vanhorn explains that “Setting a schedule can help us spend our time in a way that better matches our values/priorities. Also, making decisions can be time-consuming and exhausting. We all must make so many choices every day, therefore developing a routine/schedule and following it saves us time and energy. It takes something effortful (Making decisions) and makes it automatic (which requires much less effort)”. For the sake of this specific topic, we will be focusing on creating a routine around picking out an outfit. In a study done by Mihaela Laura Bratu and Ionel Cioca, they describe the development of organizational Competence and how it directly reflects a person’s individual lifestyle and work life. Organizational competence is the skill where individuals can keep themselves organized. Having organizational competence is important for students in schoolwork, their social lives, and their futures. This reflection should be a motivator for students everywhere to create some sort of structure in their lives. A great starting point for anyone who is looking for some structure in their daily lives would be this organized routine.
1. Check your schedule! - Start by looking ahead at your schedule for each day of the week. Consider the activities that you have planned, such as classes, studying, meetings, or fun social events. That way your outfit will fit with each day’s demands. Not every day is the same, and therefore neither should your outfit! However, that doesn’t mean you need 7 different pants and 7 different shirts each day, mixing and matching is an amazing tool that we will discuss later in the personal style section.
2. Consider the weather for the week – No one likes to be wearing shorts on a freezing cold day because you forgot to check the weather, I know I don’t! Making sure to check the weather for the week ensures that you choose an outfit that you will be comfortable in, and one that is suitable for the climate.
3. Choose a piece of clothing to build from – Picking one base item that will be the foundation of your outfit is the easiest part. This way it creates less room for decision fatigue later because you are only searching for items in your closet that work with your base outfit. This will be the piece that guides the rest of your choices.
4. Layer with your favorite accessories- This step is optional! If you are feeling simpler, or the activities you have planned are more casual, feel free to do what makes you comfortable. However, laying with accessories and layers can add more depth and functionality to your outfit. Such as if it’s cold outside that particular day, focus on layering a sweater or jacket to keep yourself comfortable!
5. Do a quick final check – Before starting your day, do a quick check in the mirror. Make sure you feel confident and comfortable in what you pick out. This step is essential to make sure that you have a successful day ahead of you because if you don't feel comfortable, chances are you won't be productive. If something feels off, swap your favorite pieces until you feel confident.
This simple act of time management can be a huge motivation to students and a skill for the future. Starting this simple 5 step routine and following along with it for a long period will eventually create a strong habit, according to the Student Learning Programs Team at Stanford University in their research article “Organization Strategies for Students", organization is one of the best ways for students in college to reduce their stress. Planning and organizing your day is the best way to dissipate any form of procrastination as well, which comes in handy for students as well as for their future careers.
Start by looking ahead at your schedule for each day of the week. Consider the activities that you have planned, such as classes, studying, meetings, or fun social events. That way your outfit will fit with each day’s demands. Not every day is the same, and therefore neither should your outfit!
Confidence in the Classroom
Before we can begin following our daily “dressing” schedule, we need to figure out what we feel most comfortable in. This is where the role of personal style comes into play. Personal Style is defined as “a particular way of self-expression through clothing and accessories”, according to J.M.C Armstrong from the Journal of Consumer Behavior. Self-expression is how we differentiate ourselves from one another and one of the strongest forms of self-expression is what we wear daily. In a quick interview with Ava Howard, a sophomore at San Diego State University, she delved into how she embraces her personal style and why it's important to her. Ava’s personal style involves pieces such as a pair of baggy jeans, and a cute yet comfortable top. She states that when she is picking out an outfit to wear to class she sticks to the motto “Cute and Comfy." Ideally, her go-to outfit includes a long skirt as her base piece and a top that matches, however for Ava specifically this works because none of her classes are physically demanding, so she doesn’t typically need to wear athletic or leisure attire. Personal style is important for Ava not only as a person who enjoys fashion but also as someone who likes to express themselves, "Picking out my outfits daily is relatively easy because everything I buy is comfortable to me, however, I love to add belts or other accessories such as hair accessories to make my outfits more exciting.” Adding a few extras to your everyday clothing can boost your confidence and make you feel more like yourself!
How to Find Your Personal Style
Fashion preference is very different for every individual so it’s important to seek out what feels right to you. Different factors influence the way we dress some include “trends, weather, social influences and personal priorities”, according to Danish Kahn in her study, Preference of Fashion Style Among University Students. This study goes into more detail on specific preferences of a group of university students and their findings conclude that students desire comfort and a feeling of confidence as well as uniqueness. These influences are ever changing and so is each of our styles. So how do we pull what we like out of the clutter that is the fashion world? Well, here are a few tips on going on your own personal style journey!
· Get inspired – Look for inspiration on social media such as Pinterest, TikTok, and Instagram to find what style resonates with you. Save images or posts to help you visualize yourself in a similar style.
· Experiment with different styles- Don’t be afraid to try out different styles to see what feels right for you. Experiment with trends that are in at the moment, vintage clothing, thrifting, or a combination of all of these that reflect your personality. College is the perfect time to explore new things, and this is the perfect place to start.
· Find your favorite pieces – Find items that make you feel the most confident and comfortable. These will become your style staples. These pieces could range from a favorite pair of jeans to an accessory that makes you stand out. Having your go-to pieces will make it easier to incorporate your personal style into a daily routine.
· Focus on how you feel – Personal style isn’t just about following the newest trends; it is about feeling good in what you wear. Clothing that fits your personality well will boost your confidence and make you feel comfortable.
· Curate your wardrobe to what you like – building up your wardrobe with pieces that reflect who you are will set you up for success every day when picking your outfits. If you have a closet filled with pieces you don't like, you will have a harder time picking an outfit that you feel confident in. Therefore, it is smart to declutter and add pieces that reflect you!
Focusing on yourself is not selfish, it is necessary for your success. Taking time to make yourself feel good will positively affect your daily life. Taking such small steps such as outfit planning and finding your personal style relates to that of making simple changes and simple decisions. As discussed in the journal, Fashion Consumption Using Minimalism by Tehmeena Shafqat, Muhammad Ishtiaqishaq, and Anzar Amed, Individuals are focused on self-determination and personal growth to achieve positive emotional well-being. This positive well-being is essential for us college students, who are experiencing new freedoms such as how we dress, what classes we choose to take, who our friends are, and how we present ourselves as adults.
Find Your Confidence!
The way we find our personal style and organize our daily lives has a profound impact on our academic success, mental health, and futures. By taking the time to choose outfits that reflect your personal style and priorities, you boost your self-confidence while simultaneously developing key skills in time management and decision-making. Ultimately personal style isn’t just the clothes we choose to wear, it’s about how we choose to express ourselves, manage our time, feel confident, and prepare for our futures. By prioritizing yourself and what makes you feel confident, you are cultivating lifelong habits that are essential for you to thrive during your college career!
Sophie Scrima is a junior studying marketing and media at North Central College and will be graduating in May 2026. She started her college career at Iowa State in 2022 before transferring to North Central College in the fall of 2024. She is involved in two different honors societies and works at Trader Joe’s. Sophie’s future plans include working for a fashion company in digital media marketing. She hopes to encourage all college students to embrace their personal style and become more confident in their organizational skills!